First of all, thanks to Jeremy Sherr who composed the instructions for provers from which these instructions were developed.



Dear Prover
Thank you very much for taking part in this proving. To enable you to gain the greatest benefit from this experience, it is essential that you read through these instructions carefully now and also before you take the remedy.
Throughout the proving you will have contact with a homœopath who Is your proving supervisor.
This contact serves two purposes:
1) To support you, giving you the care, consideration and confidentiality that their other patients receive.
2) To ensure the information gathered is as complete, detailed and accurate as possible

Before the Proving

Protect the remedy until you have finished taking it. Keep it sealed in the bottle away from light, heat and strong smelling substances.

Your supervisor will contact you before you begin the proving to take your case, answer any questions and to schedule a start and arrange contact times.

Beginning the Proving

Record your symptoms daily in the diary for one week prior to taking the remedy. This will help you get into the habit of observing and recording your symptoms, as well as bringing you in contact with your normal state.

Taking the Remedy

Begin taking the remedy on the day you and your supervisor have agreed upon. Record the time that you take each dose. Time keeping is an important element of the proving.

The remedy should be taken on an empty stomach and with a clean mouth. Neither food, drink nor cigarettes should be taken for 20 minutes before and after taking each pill. Take the remedy for up to 3 doses daily for two days / 48 hours (6 pills maximum).

The first dose is to be taken on an agreed day, at a time that you can spend at least an hour afterwards undisturbed in order to be more aware of any subtle thoughts, feelings, images and sensations. Prepare for this by spending some time, immediately before taking the remedy, relaxing and being aware of yourself physically and mentally. Symptoms appearing at this early stage can be most useful, and anything you experience, no matter how subtle or unusual is well worth recording.

In the event that you experience symptoms or those around you observe any proving symptoms do not take any further doses of the remedy. By proving symptoms it is meant:

1) any new symptoms, i.e., ones that you have never experienced before,
2) any change or intensification of any existing symptom, or,
3) any strong return of an old symptom, i.e., a symptom that you have not experienced for more than one year.

If in doubt phone your supervisor. Be on the safe side and do not take any further doses. Experience shows that proving symptoms usually begin very subtly, often before the prover recognises that the remedy has begun to act.

Lifestyle during the Proving

Avoid taking any new medication of any sort, especially antibiotics, vitamin or mineral supplements, herbal or homœopathic remedies and all pleasure drugs (alcohol is okay in moderation). Avoid all antidoting factors such as coffee, camphor and mints. If you normally use any of the above substances, please discuss this directly with me as it may be necessary to stop taking them two weeks before and for the duration of the proving.
A successful proving depends on your recognising and respecting the need for moderation in the following areas: work, alcohol, exercise and diet. Try to remain within your usual framework and maintain your usual habits.

In the event of a medical or dental emergency of course common sense should prevail. Contact your doctor, dentist or local hospital as necessary. Please contact your supervisor or me as soon as possible.


It is important for the quality and credibility of the proving that you discuss your symptoms only with your supervisor and me, and especially not with anyone else who is doing the proving or who has contact with someone who is.

Contact with your Supervisor

Please telephone your supervisor before you begin the proving and on a daily basis thereafter until you and your supervisor agree that it is not necessary to maintain such close contact. As the proving progresses regular contact continues to be important but may be less frequent (2 or 3 times a week, and then weekly).

If you have any doubt or questions about the proving contact your supervisor.

Recording of Symptoms

When you begin the proving note down carefully any symptoms that arise, whether they are old or new, and the time of day or night at which they occur. This should be done as vigilantly and frequently as possible so that the details will be fresh in your memory. Make a note even if nothing happens.

Start each day on a new page with the date and which day of the proving it is, noted at the top of each page. The day that you take the first dose is day one. Write neatly on alternate lines, in order to facilitate the extraction process which is the next stage of the proving. Try to keep the diary with you at all times.

Please be as precise as possible. Note in an accurate, detailed but brief manner your symptoms in your own language.

Location:- try to be accurate in your anatomical descriptions. Simple clear diagrams may help here. Be attentive to which side of the body is affected.
Sensation:- burning, dull, lancinating, shooting, stitching, etc.
Modality:- better (>) or worse (<) from weather, company, dark, light, standing, lying, food, etc. Try different things out to see if they affect the symptom and record any changes.
Time:- note the time of onset of the symptoms, and when they cease or are altered. Is it generally > or < at a particular time of the day, and is this unusual for you?
Intensity:- briefly describe the sensation and effect of the symptom on you.

On a daily basis you should run through the following check list to ensure that you have observed and recorded all your symptoms:
Digestive System
Urinary System
Chest and Respiration
Sleep and Dreams
Please give full descriptions of dreams, and in particular note the general feeling or impression the dream left you with.

Mental and emotional symptoms are very important and sometimes difficult to describe - please take particular care in noting these, even if they seem vague, subtle or co-incidental. During the proving you may find yourself “drawn” towards certain thoughts, activities, objects, environments, people or situations. These are very useful “symptoms” to note. It can also be useful to allow yourself to explore these urges or desires and see what comes of them.

Women should note when they have a period and any differences in any symptoms before, during or after.

Reports from friends and relatives can be very enlightening. Please include these if possible. At the end of the proving make a general summary of the proving. Note how the proving affected you in general. How has this experience affected your health? Would you do another proving?

As far as possible, try to classify each of your symptoms by making a notation according to the key below next to each entry:
RS - Recent symptom i.e. one you are suffering from now or in the last year.
NS - New symptom.
OS - Old symptom. State when the symptom occurred previously.
AS - Alteration in a present or old symptom. E.g., used to be left side, now on the right.
US - An unusual symptom for you.

Please remember that detailed observation and concise, legible recording is crucial to the proving.

Finishing the Proving

The supervision ends when there has been no change in the symptom picture for a month. Arrange to meet with your supervisor as soon as possible in order to review your diaries together.

Reviewing the Information

When meeting with your supervisor you will compare and clarify your notes. You can also add any further comments, thoughts or insights you have about the proving to your diary. The diaries should then be sent to me. There then follows various stages of compiling and sorting through information. I will contact you some months after the supervision has ended to see if any further symptoms have arisen. A meeting of provers and supervisors will occur at some point. And, you will be told about the substance you proved as soon as possible, although this may not be for some time.

Thank you for participating in this proving. I hope you find it a valuable experience.

Chris Wilkinson RSHom





Venus Intro.

Results of using Venus S.E. in practice

A Provers Symptoms

Themes and Repertory

Possible Pathology Related to Venus S.E. - coming soon

Why "Venus Stella Errans"






Chris Wilkinson DSH RSHom

Chris Wilkinson DSH RSHom

Revised Sept '98

Copyright © 1996-98 Chris Wilkinson