A Provers SymptomsThe following is the raw information taken from a provers notebook, added to from her proving supervisors notebook and ordered into headings. All provers were given instructions asking them to write down all symptoms they experienced including those that were new, unusual, old (returned), modified and normal for them. Confirmed normal symptoms for each individual are taken away leaving symptoms related to taking the remedy. This information has been checked with the prover and additions and subtractions have been made where necessary whilst retaining her phrasing when possible.The numbers to the left are the days the particular symptoms were experienced after the first symptoms of the proving were noticed (in a few cases it is not so clear, hence a "?"). In this case, the symptoms were noticed immediately. Day 0 is the day (and short period after taking the remedy, as it was 23.30 hrs at the time) of the first noticed symptoms. ***New*** Prover D
12/5/96 23.30 MIND 0 Tingling around
body as though edges of body are blurred, a feeling of space 1 Slightly spacey,
floaty feel this morning 2 Very spacey.
Unfocussed. Can’t make up my mind what to do. Can’t settle. Restless (Sleep
ameliorates). Mind muddled. (Worse than normal pre-menstrual symptoms) 4 Not feeling
all that in touch with myself. 4-to-9 Anxiety for others getting killed. Potential for death and destruction in everything, accompanied by fear. How I could cause death to family. 11 Fear with
visualising of car falling over edge of road in mountains. Daughter voiced
similar fears. Potential of destruction in everything. 12 Feeling better- fears not so strong, nor physical clumsiness. Not as tired. Cold symptoms cleared. 5 months. Brought up nothing positive at the time but since lots has improved. Clearer about physical environment, threw out lots. Cleared out relationship with sister, she won’t be in my life. Felt a lot about past whilst on holidays (i.e. soon after taking remedy) and since have let go of a lot of it. Redefined relationship to past. Not bound down by my past anymore. First symptoms of light and dark, death and destruction were like my past feelings of the dark where someone would be coming up and killing me violently. This remedy has a very destructive side to it - life and death.
DREAMS 0 Less busy feel to them than recently
VERTIGO 2 Dizziness
HEAD 0 Tingling above left eye 1 Heat (Hot flushes ) in head. worse focusing, ameliorated by resting ? congestion
EYE ?0 Cold around eyes, now beginning to feel shivery? 11 Watering (during cold)
EAR 2 Aching and buzzing (like a bee but more fuzzy) in ears
NOSE 11 Clear watery snot
THROAT - INTERNAL 2 Sore. Phlegm.
STOMACH 2 Feel a bit sick.
ABDOMEN 2 Cramp, like would get before menses.
URINARY ORGANS - BLADDER ? Urinating more than usual. 11 Need to wee a lot.
GENITALIA - FEMALE 2 Cramp, like would get before menses. ? Stomach cramps, period pains.
CHEST 0 Warm feeling especially in chest heart area.
EXTREMITIES 2 Tightness in shoulder.
SKIN 0 Tingling.
GENERALITIES 0 Warm feeling inside. ?0 Cold around eyes, now beginning to feel shivery? 1 Tired 2 Restless, almost shaky (pre-menstrual). Sleep ameliorates 2 Feel hot now and again. ?. Cold, chilly feeling. Need warmth. ?. Sluggishness. 11 Cold. Tired after little activity.
Chris Wilkinson
DSH RSHom Revised Sept '98
Copyright © 1997, 1998 by
Chris Wilkinson. All rights reserved.